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Frederick Auto Repair - Carriage House Automotive

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Belts & Hoses Replacement In Frederick, MD

Most people don’t think about their cars belts and hoses until a belt breaks or a hose ruptures. Unfortunately, by the time that happens, it is too late, you’re stuck on the side of the road. Why does that happen? Because belts and hoses are exposed to heat, vibration, moisture and other harmful chemicals under the hood of the car they have a relatively short life span. They will often dry rot, crack, fray, break, split, or leak as a result. If not addressed promptly, these kinds of problems can cause disaster for you and your car, usually in the form of a breakdown on the side of the road. A visual inspection of belts and hoses in Frederick, MD can help detect problems before they happen. Some times radiator hoses in Frederick, MD deteriorate, cracking and splitting, from the inside-out making their condition a guessing game with only a visual inspection. Belts and hoses in Frederick, MD should be inspected frequently and the trusted local, Auto Mechanics at Carriage House Automotive can do that for you.

Belt Image - Carriage House Automotive
Belt & Hoses Replacement in Frederick, MD - Carriage House Automotive

Your car’s belts drive some of its vital components like the water pump, alternator, and air conditioning compressor. As such it’s important that they be inspected by a mechanic to make sure there are no problems.


  • Signs of Damage such as cracking, glazing, chipping, tearing, cords showing, or wearing down.
  • Check belts for proper tightness (tension).
  • Check for proper alignment between pulleys.
  • While the engine is running listen for noises such as screeching or squealing.
  • Inspect belt pulleys and belt tensioners for worn bearings.
  • Check belt tensioners for tensioning ability.


  • Indications of damage– This includes leaks, cracks, cuts, hardening or softening. Hoses that have become hardened will make crunching noises when squeezed. This is an indication that the inside of the hose may be damaged from age.
  • Pressure test the cars cooling system– Pressure testing duplicates engine operating pressures and allows auto mechanics to better evaluate hose condition by exposing deformities or bulges. It will also expose any leaks that might be happening when the cooling system is under pressure while the engine is running.
  • Coolant/ Antifreeze test– Testing the coolant’s condition will not only determine how well it will cool the engine but also how much freeze protection it has. If engine coolant freezes it can cause a hose to rupture or even destroy an engine.


  • Alternator belt
  • Power steering belt
  • Air conditioning belt
  • Fan Belt
  • Water pump belt
  • Serpentine belt – Some vehicles have multiple belts while others have a single referred to as a serpentine belt.


  • Radiator Hoses (usually upper and lower but some cars have more)
  • Power steering hoses (Pressure hoses, return hoses, etc..))
  • Heater hoses (Send hot water to the heater core)
  • Air Conditioning Hoses (High pressure and return hoses that flow refrigerant)
  • Coolant Bypass Hoses

Most people change their oil on a regular basis, but most neglect the condition of the belts and hoses. A broken belt or ruptured hose can cause more trouble than an overdue oil change ever would. If you think your vehicle’s belts and hoses need to be inspected or have a problem, contact your trusted local Frederick mechanic and make an appointment. Carriage House Automotive replaces belts and hoses. We also perform brake repair and all types of other auto repairs. Give us a call at 301-835-1003.

Hoses Replacement in Frederick, MD - Carriage House Automotive
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